Casinos Theft in the Millions

Anti online casinos
lobbyists have found another reason to show what the problem is
with online casinos gambling. A report released regarding a
casino employees theft has made these anti gaming groups have a
field day. The Daily Telegraph in England just reported that a
young man who suffered from gambling addition has just been
arrested for stealing over one million pounds from his company
of employment. The company that was stolen from has reported
that it had to get rid of staff as a result of the theft that
has left them in deep financial trouble considering they were a
small, starting company.
Bryan Benjafield is the employee that has been accused with the
theft and the motivation for the crime, he says, was to pay for
more gambling in online casinos. Benjafield is arguing that his
addiction to gambling has left him unable to think about
anything else and willing to do anything to support the habit.
Benjafield is 23 years old and he had been working for this
company for the past year as an account manager. The average
salary that this man was making was less then twenty thousand
pounds a year. He spent all that money gaming in online casinos
and thus, decided to steal from the company in order to feed the
Benjafield's position is one that has been employed often in the
United Kingdom. Basically, an account manager is able to be the
support staff for online casinos players and they often have
access to finances but are always checked up on my a senior
manager. In this case, Benjafield took the money from the VAT
budget and spent it all on online casinos. It is said that
Benjafield spent thousands of pounds everyday while at work
gaming in online casinos that feature sports betting and online
casinos internationally. This only came into light when taxes
were to be checked at this UK company.
Online casinos everywhere have always been wary of internal
theft but many manage this by not allowing staff other then
senior managers access to online casinos accounts. Online
casinos can not control for where the money is coming from and
so the company must be wary themselves. Online casinos
everywhere have looked into their own staff after this incident
to see if there is some unnoticed internal theft going on.
Online casinos have become such a huge industry these days that
they need to start investing money in preventing huge theft.
This case has also been an example of the addiction problems
that can come out of too much gaming in online casinos or land
based casinos. There are support groups and people to talk to in
the event that one can not stop gaming and this is an important
thing to do. Those in that situation are urged to get help as
soon as possible in their local community. Every city has some
type of support program for people in need.
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