Elisabeth Hasselbeck,
Rosie and "The View", O'Donnell odds on own show
The show producer ABC Network has officially
announced the early departure of Rosie O'Donnell from The View
as of Friday.
Although the network claims that Rosie herself
asked for the untimely break-up, we all know that it might have
been Elisabeth, or more precise, the argument between Rosie and
Elisabeth which sped up the leave of Rosie. She was supposed to
leave The View in three weeks. But could have the conservative
Elisabeth Hasselbeck provoked Rosie into the battle that took
place two days ago? Hasselbeck used the phrase, "the enemy in
Iraq," which is always lethal when it comes to O'Donnell, and
she as a long time co-host should have known that there is no
talking to Rosie - you either fight, or you back down. And the
argument seemed to be fueled by Hasselbeck, so could the whole
ordeal been on purpose? I mean, everybody knew Rosie O'Donnell
was leaving The View in 3 weeks, maybe Barbara decided to "speed
things up" a little.
It was surprising to see Trump bashing at both
co-hosts, saying " Elisabeth is not a very smart person, she’s
one of the dumber people in television...This one, I think,
Rosie should win, but Rosie’s not much herself..." C'mon Trump,
you could do better than that.
But besides the scandals (or maybe thanks to
them) Rosie O'Donnell is guarantee to get a new show. She brings
ratings wherever she goes, so it would be quite natural for
Rosie to take a breather and maybe this time start her own show.
She must be tired of co-hosts, plus she loves to hear herself
talk - so why not just "The Rosie O'Donnell New Early Show" or
something? Oh, yeah, there are odds for her new show, at the
end, we are a gambling publication, not The View online. The
online bookmaker
Bodog has cancelled the betting on Rosie which
I told you about on my earlier article (The View fired Rosie a
few hours after we were alerted that there was betting on her),
but they have decided to keep the ball rolling. What could
people bet on? Which network will be the first to sign Rosie
O'Donnell to host her own television show:
Fox - 7/1,
ABC - 5/1 (very odd),
CBS - 4/1 (very possible I think),
NBC - 5/2,
CW - 3/1,
CNN - 5/1,
Any other network - 3/1.
Good luck to Rosie O'Donnell and good luck to
The View.
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