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House Financial Services Committee hearing the Internet gambling bill

Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass) restores the integrity of the US politicians at the hearing of his gambling regulation bill.

House Financial Services Committee hearing the Internet gambling bill If anyone concerned with the state of the gambling industry has missed the broadcast of the House Financial Service Committee hearing of the proposed regulation of the Internet gambling in the United States  - Youtube it. You can also find a good turn-by-turn coverage at

Our thoughts on the hearing:

We have always said that Mr. Frank's gambling bill will not bring the industry to its previous glory. And we continue to hold the position that the proposed bill need A LOT of work to be acceptable by both online gambling operators and government alike.

That said, we would like to give credit, where credit is due. And it goes to Rep. Barney Frank; not because he is against prohibition of Internet gambling, but because he is reviving the long-dead believe, that the people we vote to represent us on Capitol Hill are there to serve us. Mr. Frank stays true to his idea that adults should not be prohibited from an activity based on a moral principle, or just because a few adults may abuse it. It was a breath of fresh air to see a lawmaker taking the side of the people. Listening to Mr. Frank fighting for the freedom of adult Americans reminded us how much this country loves democracy and freedom of choice. Thank you, Mr. Frank, for trying to give us back a freedom from which we were robbed, literally, in the middle of the night.

A big "Thank you!" also goes to Rep. Carson from Indiana. She came in and ask the question which left all the opponents of Barney Frank's bill speechless - "If people can bet legally on horses online, why shouldn't they be allowed to gamble on other games?" What do you know, wisdom sometimes prevails. Rep. Carson admitted she had voted for Internet prohibition in the past, but she will support Mr. Frank, because the current law "makes no sense". She is the prime example for the lawmakers in this country - you have to adjust with the times. The people of Indiana should feel proud to have elected such an official into office.

Alabama Congressman Spencer Bachus (R) was also there, and we loved it. He is against Internet gambling, but his presence and speech was a great example how some lawmakers have no idea what's going on. He talked abut how professional poker player Ross Boatman started playing poker at age 10. This, as noted by participants in the hearing, was well before the age of Internet gambling (around 1975). Not to mention that Ross Boatman is from London, England. And, of course, the Alabama Representative had to add a few letters from religious organizations to the record. He also mentioned Abramoff but Mr. Frank quickly put him in his place about any reference to the famous lobbyist. And that was it from Mr. Bachus - some unrelated facts and a couple of religious letters.

As long as people like Barney Frank are here to fight against the clear intentions of people like Spencer Bachus, there is hope. Every American should visit and email, call or write Mr. Frank and thank him. Not for the Internet gambling issue, but for representing you and fighting for your freedom, just as every lawmaker in this country should!

Published on 06/08/2007

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