NFL Players
Association goes to Congress for help
The National Football League
Players Association officially asked Congress to extend their
authority in approving disability claims.
the problem with the disability claims and pensions of former
generations of football players taking a new height, the
National Football League Players Association asked Congress on
Tuesday to give more authority to the PA when dealing with the
disability claims. The director of the NFL's Players
Association, Gene Upshaw, says that the association is currently
limited to its abilities to process claims for the huge number
of former players shattered by years of football. Upshaw and NFL
Commissioner Roger Goodell claim that the problem with the
pensions is improving, but help will be required to tackle the
problem with the disability claims.
The union is asking the Congress to
change the current federal law, which gives the Players
Association appointment of only three retired former players to
the board that reviews disability claims, while the other three
members are appointed by NFL owners. The NFLPA is also asking
for less bureaucracy in the claim process and better workers
compensation laws.
This is not the first time this problem
has been brought to the attention of the Congress. Earlier this
year a House hearing was held to look deeper into the problem,
with several former NFL stars testifying about the injuries they
have suffered and the little that has been done by the league
and the Players Association in that direction. The fund for
disability and pensions is currently $1.1 billion, but older
generations of football players have been openly critical of how
little of the fund goes to help them.
Published on 09/18/2007
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