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Roger Goodell to meet with Senator Arlen Specter Re: Spygate

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell will meet with Sen. Arlen Specter on Wednesday to discuss the "Spygate" scandal.

Roger Goodell to meet with Senator Arlen Specter Re: Spygate If the Clemens hearing left you wanting more pro-sports-drama, don't worry, the latest sports scandal is brewing. As it was reported earlier, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell will travel on Wednesday to Washington to meet with Senator Arlen Specter at 3:00pm, to discuss the way the league handled the Patriots videotaping scandal dubbed "Spygate". Sen. Specter is the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, who have sent two letters to Goodell, requesting explanation why the NFL destroyed the evidence in the investigation. According to Senator Arlen Specter, today's event is just a "private meeting" between him and Roger Goodell, hoping to get some answers to "a lot of questions".

 The New England Patriots were caught filming the New York Jets’ defensive signals in the teams’ season opener on September 9th. The NFL asked the Patriots to turn over any material related to spying, received notes and six tapes, mostly from the 2006 season, then destroyed them. Following the league's investigation, Patriots coach Bill Belichick was fined $500,000 and the team was fined $250,000, plus the first-round draft pick.

 At this time Senator Arlen Specter has not said directly that the Judiciary Committee will open a hearing, although hinting about it. Meanwhile the Boston Herald reported that the New England Patriots videotaped the St. Louis Rams' final walkthrough practice one day prior to New England's first Super Bowl victory in 2002 and Sen. Specter is expected to discuss this issue, as well.

 Published on 02/13/2008

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