Preakness Stakes
The winner is Big Brown
2008 Preakness Stakes is over and the winner of the race is the
always-favorite Big Brown. The 3-year-old left the rest of the
Preakness contenders in the dust, after he pulled away at the
final turn. Macho Again and Icabad Crane finished second and
third (unofficial results), respectively, bringing hefty payouts
to the lucky bettors. With his victory at the Preakness Stakes,
Big Brown proved he is now a true contender to the Triple Crown
and only the Belmont Stakes are left ahead of this "freak". He
was such a favorite before the race (1/5 odds), that most
bookmakers offered odds on the Preakness Stakes without Big
Brown, which tunred out to be a great deal for those who took
it. The Preaknes Stakes results have Macho Again as the second
finisher, which means that he is considered the winner, if
betting on the odds without Big Brown. At the online bookmaker
BodogSports the odds on Macho
Again were 6/1.
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