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"Dancing With the Stars" Season Finale has perfect Kristi favorite

Dancing With the Stars Season Finale has Kristi favorite Just hours away from the Season Finale of "Dancing with the Stars" it's time for one last check with the odds makers. At the online sportsbook BodogLife Kristi Yamaguchi, who scored the perfect 60 from the judges last night, remains the super favorite to win the dancing competition with the short odds 1/4, making bets on her almost insane. But Jason Taylor offers a better payout, he holds the odds 12/5 to win Dancing with the Stars, upgraded from 9/4 odds the football player held just yesterday. Some who watch the show closely from the very fist season claim that with 3/4 of the viewers being women, they wouldn't vote for another woman and if this is really the case, Jason Taylor may be the best bet to win the Dancing with the Srats finale. The football player scored 52 points on Monday night. Things are not looking good for Cristián de la Fuente who is at 20/1 to win Dancing with the Stars, downgraded even further from the 15/1 he held yesterday, getting the lowest score of the Monday's show at 51 points. From what we have seen so far it will be a two-horse race between Kristi and Jason, with most of the wagers going towards the Olympic skater. You still have time to vote, the season finale of Dancing with the Stars starts at 9:00pm EST on ABC.

 Published on 05/20/2008

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