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Caroline Giuliani supports Barack Obama online

Caroline Giuliani, daughter of the GOP presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, is being portrayed as supporter of Barack Obama.

Caroline Giuliani supports Barack Obama online The daughter of the Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, Caroline Giuliani, 17, listed herself as a member of Obama's Facebook group, "Barack Obama (One Million Strong for Barack)."

 The online magazine Slate was the first to catch her name among the supporters of Obama on his Facebook, but when the questions began to rain, Caroline Giuliani left Barck Obama's Facebook group.

 "Before the presidential campaign got under way, Caroline added herself to a list on Facebook as an expression of interest in certain principles. It was not intended as an indication of support in a presidential campaign, and she has removed it," said the spokeswoman Joannie Danielides.

 According to Slate, Caroline Giuliani used a slightly different last name, and described herself as having liberal political views.

 Rudy Giuliani gave the following comment on the story:

 "My daughter I love very much. I have great respect for her, and I'm really proud of her, and I don't comment on children, because I want to give them the maximum degree of privacy. The best thing to do, if you want to ask the press to leave the children alone, the best way to do it is not to comment on them one way or the other, except to say you're very proud of them, and you love them very much, which I do."

 Giuliani is listed with odds 5/1 to become the next President of the United States by the online gambling website Bodog Sports (new window). Barack Obama has better chances, according to the bookmaker, with odds on the Democrat 9/2. Hillary Clinton is still the undisputed favorite with odds 2/1.

Published on 08/06/2007

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