Clinton extends lead, crackdown on lenders
Hillary Clinton has extended
her lead over Barack Obama and plans a crackdown on rogue
to the latest national USA Today/Gallup Poll published on
Monday, Hillary Clinton has extend her lead over her main
Democratic contender Barack Obama. The survey says that Hillary
Clinton is now at 48%, which is a 22-point lead over Barack
Obama, who was listed at 26%. Third is John Edwards with 12%.
Compared to a similar poll three weeks
ago, Clinton's support is now 8% higher, while Barack Obama has
lost 2 points during the period. The widening gap between the
two presidential candidates is likely a reflection of their
foreign policy dispute over the past week.
Barack Obama made a long list of
mistakes and was not able to prove to his potential voters that
he will follow a consistent direction when dealing with foreign
countries. First, Obama told the people he will meet with the
leaders of hostile countries, such as Cuba and Iran, during his
first year in the White House. Under pressure by Hillary Clinton
for planning a "naive" foreign policy, he threatened Pakistan
and Afghanistan with military invasion. Barack Obama also said
he will never use nuclear weapons - a statement many experts on
both isles agree should never be made by a president.
Through the entire week Hillary Clinton
proved the more experienced candidate, leading Obama deeper into
the net she spun with a simple remark about his foreign policy.
While Barack Obama swung from an extreme liberal to an exact
copy of the Bush Administration, Hillary remained on point and
strengthen her position in the voters eyes as someone possessing
the means to bring real change.
On Thursday Hillary Clinton aimed to
sweep up even more supporters by promising clamping down on
lending abuses and providing more aid to families who face
losing their homes. Foreclosures are a hot button at the moment
with more grim data on a brewing housing crisis in America.
Thousands are facing the possibility of losing their homes
because they accepted mortgages which have become too expensive
to pay. Hillary Clinton also proposed a $1 billion fund to
supplement state programs that help homeowners catch up on
mortgage payments, renegotiate loan terms or provide financial
Following the latest news, the online
Bodog Sports (new window) has
slashed the odds on Hillary Clinton to be chosen as the
Democratic Presidential candidate from 2/1 to 2/5. Barack Obama
is now listed at 12/5.
Published on 08/07/2007
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