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Clinton and Obama in MLK controversy, South Carolina slipping from Hillary

Following the latest controversy between Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, odds on the Illinois Senator slashed for S.C.

Clinton and Obama in MLK controversy, South Carolina slipping from Hillary With the Democrats setting their sight on the South Carolina presidential primaries the battle between the two top candidates, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, is now raging in full force. The latest controversy surrounding the two prompted the odds maker to further slash the odds offered on Obama to win South Carolina. It all started with a comment made by Hillary Clinton during an interview with Major Garrett in New Hampshire last week, here is the quote: “I would point to the fact that Dr King’s dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act… That dream became a reality, the power of that dream became real in people’s lives because we had a president who said we were going to do it, and actually got it accomplished.”

 This remark made by Clinton angered many in the South Carolina African-American community, including South Carolina congressman Jim Clyburn, who criticized the direction this campaign is taking. Of course, Barack Obama had the chance to attack Sen. Clinton on her Martin Luther King, Jr. comment and Hillary was forced to defend her remark on NBC's "Meet the Press" today, partially blaming the media and the Obama camp for blowing the comment out of proportion. Either way, with South Carolina becoming a major battleground for Democratic lead and with 50% of the votes coming out of the African-American communities, the odds makers at took a swift action and cut the odds on Barack Obama to win the S.C. Democratic primaries to -375, an enormous lead over Dem rival Hillary Clinton, who is now listed with odds of +165 to declare victory in the Palmetto State. John Edwards is listed with odds +900 and the field pays out on +7000 odds.

 Published on 01/13/2008

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