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Barron Hilton arrested on DUI charges

Paris Hilton's brother, Barron Hilton, has been arrested Tuesday morning on suspicion driving under the influence.

Barron Hilton arrested on DUI charges In line with the example set by Paris for the new generation of Hiltons, her 18-year-old brother Barron Hilton was arrested on Tuesday morning on suspicion of DUI, after he was pulled over on Pacific Coast Highway by a Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy. According to the police, Barron Hilton blew 0.14 percent blood-alcohol reading, with the state legal limit set at 0.08 percent. Barron Hilton was booked at the Lost Hills Station, where he was checked in at 8:35 a.m., held on $5,000 bond.

 According to the latest reports, the call to the local police came from a concerned driver, who spotted the young Hilton weaving on the road in his Mercedes. The unnamed driver followed Barron Hilton until the 18-year-old stopped at a gas station, where the police made the arrest, after Barron Hilton failed the field sobriety test. A female passenger was with Hilton at the time of his arrest, but no further information has been made available.

 Apparently his family has not been officially notified by the police yet. "I haven't been contacted yet by either my son or the police. If what I have heard is true, it is very disturbing and I will have a lot to say—but it will be to my son, not the media," his father Rick Hilton said in a statement.

 Published on 02/12/2008

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