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Naomi Campbell gets surgery in Brazil hospital

British supermodel Naomi Campbell has undergone a surgery in a Brazilian hospital.

Naomi Campbell gets surgery in Brazil hospital British supermodel Naomi Campbell was admitted to a hospital in Sao Paulo after flying to Brazil for treatment. According to her publicist, Campbell, 37, had had a small cyst removed and was now resting at Sirio-Libanes Hospital. The staff of the hospital has told reporters that the supermodel was being seen by an infectious diseases specialist.

"The patient and her advisers have determined that the hospital's medical staff will not issue any formal or informal information on her medical condition," the hospital said in a statement. "Naomi Campbell was admitted to hospital [Monday night] to have a small cyst removed. Following the successful procedure, she is now resting and is looking forward to getting back to work. She would like to thank he doctors who have kindly looked after her," was the official statement issued by her London representative.

 Naomi Campbell is known to frequently travel to Brazil, where the model celebrated Carnival earlier this month in the north-eastern city of Salvador.

 Published on 02/26/2008

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