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American Idol: Amanda Overmyer arrested in 2006 for DUI

American Idol contestant Amanda Overmyer has been arrested for DUI back in 2006.

American Idol: Amanda Overmyer arrested in 2006 for DUI Amanda Overmyer, the funky-hair contestant on "American Idol", was arrested on driving under the influence charges two years ago, it was reported earlier today. According to reports, Amanda Overmyer, native of Mulberry, Ind., was pulled over by the cops in Crawfordville, after police clocked the American Idol contestant doing almost twice over the legal speed limit of 45mph, as well as running a red light. Amanda Overmyer had a blood alcohol level of .108 and spend six hours in the local jail, before her bail was posted by Casey Taylor, her fiancé. Allegedly Overmyer plead guilty to the charges.

 Unfortunately, the drama for Amanda Overmyer continues - aside from the DUI arrest, rumors on the Internet claim that someone in her hometown is shopping nude photos of her. The reports on this story are scarce, but the people selling the Amanda Overmyer's nude pictures apparently are asking for serious cash.

 Menawhile, according to the odds makers Overmyer has nothing to worry about, as far as the upcoming American Idol eliminations are concerned. According to the British odds maker Bet365,  the most likely two girls to be voted of American Idol next are Alexandrea Lushington and Alaina Whitaker with odds 4/6 and 4/5 respectively.

 Published on 02/28/2008

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