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Barat Academy teacher Melissa Moss sent topless pics to student

English teacher Melissa Moss was fired from Barat Academy for sending nude pictures to a student.

Barat Academy teacher Melissa Moss sent topless pics to student The challenges today's parents face now include not only the poor education your kids may receive at school, but the nude pictures of their teachers as well. And you know we have hit the rock bottom, when incident like these start occurring in the private schools. The latest teacher-student scandal comes today from the Barat Academy High School, Roman Catholic high school in Dardenne Prairie, Missouri. According to the reports, 27-year-old English teacher Melissa Moss was caught sending topless pictures of herself to a 15-year-old male student at the Barat Academy. The parents of the student found the naked pictures of the teacher during a routine monitoring of their son's Internet activities.

 Barat Academy President Debby Watson said Thursday that she immediately removed teacher Melissa R. Moss from her classroom after being told by the student's parents about the photo in November. This racy pictures were sent from Moss' private email and following an internal investigation the school fired the teacher. Officials say that there is no evidence of inappropriate physical contact between Melissa Moss and the student.

 "It is very disturbing and you know it's kind of a sign of the times the way we live with a lot of Internet access and Facebook and things like that. As a parent you have to be on constant vigil to make sure, you have to know what your kids are getting into," said the father of the Barat Academy High School student to the local FoxNews affiliate. Melissa Moss was charged Tuesday in St. Charles County Circuit Court for misdemeanor furnishing pornographic material to a minor.

 Published on 02/29/2008

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