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American Idol Results: Ramiele Malubay voted off

American Idol Results: Ramiele Malubay voted off And once again we are at the point where the question is who got voted off American Idol on the April 2nd show, this time it was Ramiele Malubay who got eliminated from the popular show last night. It was hardly a surprise to anyone that Ramiele Malubay was the contestant to get voted off the American Idol in Wednesday's results episode, she was listed with underdog odds 60/1 to win the talent competition at the online bookmaker BodogLife.

 No surprise to see the bottom three after the American Idol results were in - Ramiele Malubay, Brooke White and Kristy Lee Cook found themselves fighting for one more chance to prove worthy of winning and the big shock is probably the fact that the biggest underdog since the start of the 7th season of the American Idol, Kristy Lee Cook, is still hanging in there. Before Ramiele Malubay got voted off Wednesday, Cook was listed with odds to win American Idol at 100/1, odds likely to get shortened soon, but still to remain underdog. And while Ramiele Malubay is leaving the show without anyone shedding tears, Brooke White's results were quite a surprise, she is one of the favorites with odds to win the Idol at 13/1.

 The bottom line after the last night's American Idol voting results - it seems to be a two-horse race between David Archuleta and David Cook. Archuleta is still the top favorite to win the American Idol with odds 21/20, but Cook is quickly catching up and is now holding 19/10 odds at BodogLife. Wednesday's American Idol results in a nutshell - Ramiele Malubay got voted off, we are down to only eight contestants and the "Davids" are the favorite to win.

 Published on 04/03/2008

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