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Naomi Campbell arrested in England, released on bail

Naomi Campbell arrested in England, released on bail Model Naomi Campbell just cannot stay out of trouble, the beauty queen was released on bail Friday, after getting arrested at England's Heathrow Airport following a spat with a police officer. The British-native was arrested on Thursday afternoon at the Heathrow Airport's troubled new Terminal 5 on suspicion of assaulting an officer after police were called to a disturbance at the facility. According to reports, Naomi Campbell was aboard a British Airways plane for L.A., when the model started a spat after one of her bags turn out to be missing, allegedly spitting on an officer. London's Metropolitan Police said she was released on bail pending further inquiries and told to report to a police station in late May.

 "Naomi was flying to Los Angeles for a memorial service on Thursday, April 3. She arrived at Heathrow Terminal 5 in plenty of time, checked her two bags in and was told they would make the flight. Once on the plane she was told one bag could not be found and was missing. British Airways decided to resolve this by insisting she leave the flight and then called the police to forcibly eject her from the flight. She was taken to the Heathrow police station and released on police bail. So far as we are aware BA have still failed to offer any explanation as to why her bag went missing at Terminal 5," was the statement made by Naomi Campbell's spokeswoman Annabel Fox.

 Published on 04/04/2008

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