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American Idol Results: Carly Smithson voted off April 23

American Idol Results: Carly Smithson voted off April 23 Who got voted off American Idol last night - not surprisingly it was Carly Smithson who was eliminated from the Idol on April 23rd. The odds makers had Syesha Mercado to go home next with odds +125, but Carly Smithson was right behind with +200 odds to be eliminated from American Idol and the last night's results did not disappoint the odds makers at the online sportsbook BodogSport, which offers wagering on the popular reality TV competition. Most fans of the show were certain that Brooke White would be the next to be voted off American Idol, but the results painted a picture slightly apart from those expectations.

 Carly Smithson, Syesha Mercado and Brooke White found themselves in the bottom three during the Wednesday American Idol results show, but Carly Smithson was the one eliminated and we are now down to the American Idol top 5. There is no question that Brooke White and Syesha Mercado will be voted off in the next two results episodes of American Idol and that the top three contestants would be David Archuleta, David Cook and Jason Castro, with the real battle raging between Archuleta and Cook. At the online bookmaker BodogSports, David Archuleta is listed with odds 3/2 to win American Idol, while David Cook is leading at 10/11.

 Published on 04/24/2008

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