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Barbara Walters admits affair with U.S. Senator Edward Brooke

Barbara Walters admits affair with U.S. Senator Edward Brooke Barbara Walters admitting to having a past affair with married U.S. Senator Edward Brooke is the latest scandal to shake the Internet. Barbara Walters will appear on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" on Tuesday, but according to transcripts released by the show, the focus on their conversation will be Walter's relationship with U.S. Senator Edward Brooke they had 30 years ago, which lasted for a few years during the 70's. According to Barbara Walters, disclosing their relationship at that time would have ended both of their careers so they kept it secret.

 Edward Brooke is Republican from Massachusetts who took office in 1967 to become the first African-American to be popularly elected to the Senate. Barbara Walters was co-hosting NBC's "Today" show at the time of their affair and Brooke was in the Senate, but the relationship ended before Edward Brooke lost his third bid for the job. Edward Brooke later divorced, and has since remarried. No comments on the affair have came out out of his camp yet. To get all the details, don't miss "The Oprah Winfrey Show" on Tuesday.

 Published on 05/01/2008

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