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Premier League title decider - Wigan v Manchester United

Premier League title decider - Wigan v Manchester United Two days left until the start of the Premier League title-decider game between Wigan and Manchester United, and the punters are already grabbing the betting slips. If Manchester United wins their visit to Wigan, the Red Devils will land a record 10th Premier League title and the odds makers say they will. At the British online sportsbook Bet 365 Manchester United are not only favourite to win the game against Wigan on Sunday with odds 1.22 (compared to 12.00 on Wigan), but are 1/6 at the antepost to win the title, challenged only by Chelsea with long odds 7/2.

 Only failure to beat Wigan could deny Manchester United the title, if accompanied by a better result for Chelsea, playing at home against Bolton on Sunday. If the Red Devils win the Premier League title, minimum prize money of £50 million will be awarded to the club and this will be the fifth time Manchester United wins the title back-to-back. Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney is unlikely to start, suffering from a hip injury, but this should present no problem for Manchester United as Wigan will play without defenders Mario Melchiot and Erik Edman, as well as midfielder Kevin Kilbane. Over £20 million are expected to be wagered on the football games in England this weekend, don't fail to take a piece of the action.

 Published on 05/09/2008

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