Big Brother
Australia - a picture worth 1000 words
Little that we knew, now is taking
a serious bashing for using Big Brother 8 pictures for Big
Brother Australia.
When we reported that Emma will not be told
about her father's death, and that Nick is out (punt not
intended), we used stock photos we have for Big Brother 8 UK.
Sure, we could have taken our time and find pix from the
Australian spin-off.
Who caught our mistake first -
click here to find out.
It's Silvia's fault. She has been cutting
corners not just on the Aussie Big Brother reporting, but on
cleaning her desk from all the junk food she brings to the
office. However, she is hot, and hot chicks always get to keep
their jobs.
This is a stupid thing to
say. We do not hire and fire employees based on beauty factors.
You should see David. - Editor
She, however, has been punished. Silvia will
go out to dinner with Dave. We took it a step further, and from
today, May30th, until the end of the Big Brother Australia, we
will substitute the office-party favorite Heineken with Fosters.
This is Emma
from Big Brother Australia |
This is Nick from Big
Brother Australia |
Greg H. writes us to express disappointment
for using the Big Brother 8 (UK) pictures instead of Big
Brother Australia:
You dropkicks! That's Emma (Greenwood) from
BB UK, not the Emma from BB Aus.
No regards
Greg H.
"Obva" from the
forum exposing our wrong doings,
compliments on our entertainment skills:
After reading that I must say even Kris
Noble looks intelligent. Maybe they will get OG Paper to produce
Big Brother next year. At least we won't be bored as there will
be different housemates (or "roommates") each week according to
their understanding of who everyone is.
Australians are not bad people - they are just
patriotic. How would you feel if instead of picture of Miss USA
we published a picture of Miss Canada?
We did something like that
- we published Miss Korea picture in a news about Miss Japan,
but it was to show that Miss Korea was much hotter than Miss
Japan...In the office poll, at least. - Editor.
Anyhow, to discuss Big Brother Australia -
- they were the only folks who posted on our mistake, so they
must care about the show more than anyone else.
You can bet on Big Brother 8 at Bet365.
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