Depositing cash
for your online poker game
A few nights ago, on a Friday, I was playing our weekly Texas
Holdem poker game and had on a t-shirt with a logo of an online
casino I regularly play in. One of the newbies on the table
began to inquire about online poker and how the deposits were
made. One of them commented that credit cards were not an
accepted method of payment by a few of the casinos. So I
enlightened them about some of the current paying methods, which
• IGM,
• Firepay and,
• Neteller. Being my special favorite.
Many players get frustrated due to their
inability to buy in their online poker game via PayPal or credit
cards, and hesitate to use their bank account information in
fear of online fraud. I was introduced to Neteller by a friend
in 1999 and have been using their services since. I’ll tell you
how to go about making an account with Neteller, which will
enable you to play at the
best poker websites. Steps:
Open a New checking account at your bank
- Deposit the amount you’re going to use for online gambling,
but make sure you do not put overdraft protection on your
account. This method will provide you full protection and nobody
will be able to access your funds. From the bank account, simply
transfer the amount to Neteller and leave a 0 balance remaining
in the bank account. With the 0 balance and no overdraft
protection, you will not be exposed to unwarranted fraud.
Open an Account with Neteller - Open a
new user account with and link the earlier made
bank checking account with this one. To verify your account,
neteller will make two minimal cash deposits to the account,
which typically takes around 2 days to be uploaded to your
account. Once you verify the deposits, your Neteller account is
geared to receive funds.
Deposits - In the Neteller account,
there will be a Deposit button which you’ll have to click. Then,
select the EFT or Electronic Funds Transfer button. After that,
you can feed your Neteller account with your bank account funds.
This takes anywhere from 2 to 3 days before your bank sends
money to the Neteller account. When the funds are received,
you’ll be alerted by Neteller regarding the funds being
available and your Neteller account is good to go!
Play! Choose a poker game, have a good
time, win some free chips and some real cash.
Another Way to Fund Neteller Account -
The funding method above takes some time to get up and running.
Most players are impatient and cannot bear the wait. They want
to get right in the game. There is another way to get the funds
transferred to your account, which calls for an inclusion of a
Bank of America in your vicinity. With a BOA account, funds can
be directly transferred to Neteller. Call Neteller at (888)
258-5859 if there exists a BOA branch nearby and inquire about
the account number. Then proceed to the branch, fill out the
information for Neteller's account on a ‘California Deposit
Slip’ and ask the teller to deposit the amount. That slip should
not be lost, since it is the only proof you have about the
deposit made. This piece of paper then has to be faxed to
Neteller with your name and Neteller account number at (888)
678-2128. After this, your Neteller account will get the funds
normally within 1 – 2 (business) hours.
This method is deemed unsafe by many,
who hesitate to deposit cash this way. I too was anxious the
first time I deposited money like this. But not to worry, as
long as you keep the deposit slip on hand, nothing will go
wrong. I prefer the EFT transfer method, but there have been
occasions when I had to rely on the BOA deposit method and it
was pain-free. See you at the games!
on 11/27/2009
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