Mac online casino:
Still no online casinos for Mac users
If you live in the United States you have probably
witnessed the pissing match between Windows and Mac or should we
say Microsoft and Apple. The rumpus between the two companies
got me thinking - do Mac users miss on the online casinos as a
form of entertainment? A few years back there were no online
casinos for Mac users, but truth be told, we have not examined
the online gambling world for Mac compatibility in a long time.
Needless to say - at our office Windows is the king, for many
reasons which we will not touch upon to avoid flood of hate mail
from angry Apple fans and derail the purpose of this article.
It's also true that we have not received any emails in a long
time asking if there are online casinos which work with the Mac
operating system and its versions.
So, Microsoft Bluetooth mouse in hand we
set out to see which online casino from our recommended list of
best online casinos works with
the Mac OS. Unfortunately, what we found was far from
encouraging. Most of the online casinos don't even try to list
the operating system(s) required to download, install and play
the casino software, but after a quick chat with the customer
service the picture was clear - there is not a single online
casino on our list that works with the Mac operating system.
Slotocash was the only online
casino which promises on its website to deliver a Mac-compatible
gambling software "in the future", but we highly doubt it it
will be anytime soon. The
Golden Casino website states
outright that their online casino works with Windows operating
systems only. We have to give it up to Golden Casino - it says
it works with Windows 95, although we have no way of confirming
this, not that anyone cares. The Mainstreet group online
casinos, such as
Vegas Casino Online mention
nothing about operating system requirements to run the online
casino and after we contacted the customer service, we were told
that in order to play the online casino with a Mac computer you
will have to opt in for the Flash-only version, i.e.
browser-based casino software extremely limited in both games
and fun factor.
These online casinos are all using the
current three big internet gambling software developers for US
players - RTG, RIVAL and Vegas Tech - and considering that Mac
holds a share of the non-USA market somewhere between 3% and 5%,
it's unlikely to see a Mac online casino abroad before we see
one from the online casinos catering to the US players, where
some put the Apple's personal computing market share at as high
as 15%. And from our short adventure one thing is certain -
there are no online casinos for Mac users and it will be a long
time before there are Mac online casinos available. Until then,
you may want to consider running a Windows, as well, on your
Apple laptop.
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