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Ron Paul wins the Virginia Straw Poll on Saturday night

The GOP Presidential hopeful Ron Paul has won the informal straw poll in Virginia.

Ron Paul wins the Virginia Straw Poll on Saturday night According to the latest reports, the winner of the GOP informal Virginia straw poll is none other than Ron Paul. The presidential candidate collected 182 of the 479 ballots cast, which equals to 38%. In the Virginia straw poll second came Fred Thompson with 112 votes and third was Mike Huckabee with 51 votes. Mitt Romney had 43 votes, John McCain got 23, Duncan Hunter got 19 votes and Tom Tancredo finished with 4 votes. Allegedly dozens of Ron Paul supporters came right before the voting, as Virginia GOP chairman John Hager described it: "They weren't here yesterday. We had no indication until around 3 o'clock that this would happen."

 Yet another victory for Ron Paul, whose odds at Bodog Sports were upgraded a couple of days back. Ron Paul is now listed with odds on getting the Republican nomination at 5/2 and his odds on becoming the next U.S. President got snipped from 18/1 to 6/1.

 Published on 12/01/2007

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