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eBay Boycott begins today, to run for a week

eBay sellers, as well as buyers, to start a boycott of the biggest auction site in the world today.

eBay Boycott begins today, to run for a week An eBay boycott is scheduled to begin today, as a response to the earlier announcement made by the auction website that the sellers will no longer have the ability to leave negative feedback for buyers, as well as a new fee structure. Following the news from eBay, hundreds of big sellers joined together and declared a boycott on the web auction company, which starts today and will run for at least a week. According to the "protestors", they are angry not as much about the new fee structure, which would increase the cost of selling on eBay, but with the fact that they would not be able to leave feedback on bad buyers and help warn other sellers. For eBay stores selling merchandise with the price tag in the hundreds of dollars, the lack of buyer feedback could result in substantial losses.

 "At this point it's still premature for us to speculate. We're empathetic with our sellers and understand that they're concerned, and that some of them object to some of the changes we're implementing. On the other hand, we think we have very good reasons for what we're doing," eBay spokesman Usher Lieberman said. This is not the first time sellers boycott the California-based auction website and so far all attempts have been unsuccessful. Whether or not this boycott will be successful in affecting eBay's bottom line remains to be seen.

 Published on 02/18/2008

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