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American Idol: Chikezie does great, David Archuleta stumbles

American Idol: Chikezie does great, David Archuleta stumbles Last night (March 11th) was the American Idol Top 12 performance episode and it was nothing short of reality TV. Surprising twists and turns are shifting the possible outcome and the winner of the 2008 American Idol remains a mystery, thanks to Chikezie Eze and his awesome performance last night. Chikezie's version of "She’s a Woman" literally brought the crowd to its feet and he may turn out to be one of the best bets you have ever seen. Currently Chikezie Eze is listed as the underdog of the 2008 American Idol, holding the worst odds out of the top 12 remaining - at the online sportsbook BodogLife, Chikezie is listed with odds 90/1. That means the bookmaker will pay out $90 on every $1 risked, if Chikezie Eze becomes the winner of American Idol 7!

 And it's not as impossible as the odds makers think. The current American Idol favorite contestant is David Archuleta, who holds odds to win the show at 11/10, but his March 11th performance was far from what people expect from a favorite contestant.  David Archuleta's performance of "We Can Work It Out" could best be compared to "fumble" in football. Clearly not the way you should present yourself if you are shooting for the American Idol victory and many Idol fans are already writing off David Archuleta.

 David Cook went on stage with "Eleanor Rigby" and Simon finally showed signs of generosity with the comment "You could win!" David Cook's performance was also dubbed to the best thing since sliced Daughtry. Although we wouldn't go as far, David Cook did indeed a good job last night. His odds to win the American Idol have been upgraded to 17/2. Visit BodogLife to see the full list of odds on the American Idol Top 12 contenders.

 Published on 03/12/2008

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