No naked woman in
Dick Cheney's sunglasses
Internet is buzzing about the latest "scandal" to come out of
the White House - a picture of VP Dick Cheney with his
sunglasses reflecting an allegedly naked woman. The picture was
posted on the White House's website with the explanation that it
was taken while Cheney was fly-fishing on the Snake River in
Idaho. Many photo-oriented websites and blogs immediately
started questioning the image reflecting in Dick Cheney's
sunglasses with the consensus being it was a naked woman. Online
polls were quickly created to find out what people though it was
reflecting in Cheney's sunglasses, the majority voting for a
naked woman.
But White House spokeswoman Meagan
Mitchell found nothing funny about the picture, "Clearly the
picture shows a hand casting a rod," was the official statement.
And with risk of disappointing many readers, most photo experts
agree that the image is of the vice president's hand on his fly
rod. Look at the picture and decide for yourself.
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