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Prince William wedding to Kate Middleton pays even with UK bookies

Prince William wedding to Kate Middleton pays even with UK bookies Will Prince William get engaged this year to girlfriend Kate Middleton, now you can bet on it. The British bookmaker William Hill has shortened the odds on Prince William to wed long-time on-and-off girlfriend Kate Middleton from the previously 2/1 to 1/1, making the engagement a sure thing in the betting circles. The reason U.K. odds makers are slashing the props on the possible royal wedding is the fact that Kate Middleton accompanied Prince William on Friday, when he was awarded his wings by his father, Prince Charles, after training with the Royal Air Force.

 Prince William and Kate Middleton reportedly broke up almost an year ago, but the latest public appearance as a couple scared the odds makers into shortening the odds on the probable wedding between the two. William had originally excluded his 26-year-old girlfriend, but three days before the ceremony in Lincolnshire, he put her name forward, the DailyMail claims the saga unfolded.

 Published on 04/13/2008

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