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Josh Howard admits smoking pot, bet on who's next

Josh Howard admits smoking pot, bet on who's next Dallas Mavericks' star Josh Howard turned heads on Friday when he admitted on the Michael Irvin Radio show that he smokes marijuana regularly in the off-season. Equally as shocking was his willingness to implicate the entire league with regard to marijuana use, saying "everybody in the media world and in the sports world knows that NBA players do smoke marijuana". Were Howard's admissions and candor a sign of things to come from pro athletes? Will their discretion come in to question when and if they admit to drug use and or other sordid behavior? Fans across the country are wondering just what to make of this scenario so once again beating everyone to the punch, the online sportsbook BetUS is providing them with answers.

Oddsmakers at BetUS posted the following odds on the recent Josh Howard drama:

Odds on the next NBA player to admit to smoking up:
Allan Iverson: 4/1
Carmello Anthony: 10/1
Rasheed Wallace: 2/1
LeBron: 40/1
Josh Childress: 4/1
Shaq: 100/1
Dirk: 250/1

Howard is now facing disciplinary action after admitting he still smokes marijuana during the off-season. Odds on what's next for Howard:
Arrest: 5/1
Rehab: 20/1
Banned from league: 5/2
Fined by league: 1/2
Starts company with Ricky Williams: 100/1

 Published on 04/28/2008

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