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Ronaldo in a sex scandal with three cross-dressing prostitutes

Ronaldo in a sex scandal with three cross-dressing prostitutes Brazilian footballer Ronaldo is in the middle of a sex scandal after picking up three hookers, who turned out to be transvestites. The AC Milan striker was in Brazil, where he is recovering from a knee surgery, when he allegedly picked up three prostitutes in Rio de Janeiro and all booked in a nearby hotel. Upon entering the room Ronaldo discovered that the prostitutes were in fact men. According to the local police, the footballer alleges that the transvestites then tried to extort money from him, threatening the footballer to post a video from the hotel room on YouTube. One of the transvestite-prostitutes Andreia Albertine (see picture) later accused Ronaldo of threatened to hit him, on discovering that he was a man.

 "Ronaldo reported that Andreia had taken his car documents and demanded $30,000. Ronaldo admits the facts. He said he just wanted to amuse himself, that's not a crime. To pay to have sexual relations isn't illegal. There's a strong chance that Ronaldo has been the victim of extortion," Rio de Janeiro police superintendent Carlos Augusto Nogueira was quoted. Prostitution itself is not a crime in Brazil.

 You can watch a snipped from the Ronaldo's alleged hotel room transvestite scandal below. Unfortunately the video is in Italian, at this time no English version has been posted on YouTube:


 Published on 04/29/2008

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