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Soccer streaker Tiffany May to go all nude for Playboy

 Tiffany May, who soccer fans may remember as the streaker during the USA vs. Honduras U-23 game in Florida, got her cake and will eat it too, with a nude shoot in Playboy. Although it's "barely legal" to call Tiffany May a streaker, since she kept some of her clothes during the field runaround in the qualifier (see YouTube video below), now she will take it all off for Playboy. Usually the cameras would turn away from streakers to discourage such behavior, but in the case with Tiffany May, there is plenty of footage to go around. And while you may go to jail for indecent exposure after running around naked on a soccer field, Tiffany May is getting her 15 minutes with Playboy. "Maybe if there were more girls like me streaking at soccer games, we'd have a lot more fans," was her solution for making the game of soccer more popular in the United States. Online gambling is no stranger to streaking, as well. The notorious Golden Palace online casino used to employ streakers with advertising written on them to run around the fields of various sporting events, including the UEFA Cup Final and the 2004 Super Bowl. But as far as we know, Tiffany May was not reimbursed by aboyone.

 Watch the YouTube video of Tiffany May streaking during the soccer game:


 Published on 05/06/2008

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