Poker: Some weird
Texas Hold'em hands
The joy of any game is to learn the tags and the phrases
that are used in it. Sometimes you might find some statements
that are moving from English to some other language. But yet, if
you learn the terms and phrases of the game you would enjoy it a
lot more.
Pocket cards, the first two cards of
each Texas hold’em player have inspired much of the pokers
dictionary. If you have played the game once then you would know
that the Aces are called as “pocket rockets” and the kings are
called as “cow boys” Now a days may be even Dalai Lama knows
what a “Big Slick” is. However, there might be many hands that a
player might miss out. The hands and their nick names have come
from an inside study and this can be transmitted very quickly to
thousands of the people via internet.
Presto: Pocket 5s had many names which
are not inspired before it was gifted with the nickname presto.
This name has started with the cards expert Abdul Jalib while he
used to post many math problems in the forums. He used to often
remove the steps that are unwanted in the calculations and
another fellow poster called Steve Jacobs used to write in
comments as “Presto” as if some magic has happened to the
calculations. Jacob and Jalib went to Vegas on one weekend along
with another newsgroup person called Frank Irwin. They
eventually started to play back jack and whenever they had a
black jack they used to should “Presto”. Later on they figured
out that that Jacob was not a loud mouthed tourist.
When the story was published in the
newsgroups everyone started using the name “Presto” whenever
they had a blackjack. But when the news group has split off the
poker branch, the poker players wanted to carry the name
“Presto” with them. However, they were unsure about which hand
should hold this name as all the hands are already having
nicknames. They found out that Pocket 5 would be the best to be
handed out with this nick name and hence the name “Presto” was
reborn in the poker world.
The Arlo: The good way to remember a
hand is when it makes it players rich. The history of Arlo is
something similar. It is been named after its creator Arlo Payne
another RGP poster. Arlo is also known as 6-4. Playing a hand
such as 6-4 is a definite loss. But as usual with the poker it
depends. Raising a hand at 6-4 indicates that you have something
big and will make the other players to stop from future bets and
raises. But you need to understand that the key for raising a
hand at 6-4 is that these two modest cards can make you win big.
If you hit the flop still you can place bet on your opponents.
This was exactly the hand the Arlo has explained in the RGP
post. He explained a situation that he played using 6-4. When he
was holding 6-4 he flopped and had a straight flush, but still
the two other players has ended up paying him who has made
The Hammer: Do you think if there are
any cards that are not be played? Yes, 2-7 will be in the top of
this list. You would make worst if you start playing your hand
with 2-7. It’s such a band hand that many players start typing
“Hammer” in the chat windows. Internet makes anything possible.
A handful of the blogs and articles on poker are turning out be
much larger every day. This reflects the popularity of the
poker website and its hands. These blogs provide much useful information about
poker, links to various articles and forums to give great
feedbacks on the game. Among all these blogger, the most
esteemed was the playwright turned professional who uses the
nickname Grubby. His blogs speak about his new life in Las
Vegas, quiz and interesting topics for his readers. He made more
interesting stuff and added more spice to the poker game.
The first challenge of Hammer was issues
in January 2004. Grubby offered good prize money for anyone who
had a win with 7-2. The basic rules to win the money were to
play at least a 1 or 2 dollar ring game with at least 8 players.
You cannot play Hammer from the blinds and you will have to show
the cards if you were called down and then you need to type
“Hammer” in the chat. Grubby has started the prize money with a
$5 and increased it every day and waited patiently for someone
to win the game. Bloggers started to crave for the 7-2 as they
were once craved for aces. It is definitely hard to win with the
pocket pair 2-7, but if it can turn over 7-2 and you can get a
pot for yourself and then you can see the chat window exploding.
That is the power of the “Hammer” because when it hits, it will
tilt the player and also make everyone at the table think that
you are an idiot. You need not be surprised to see chat messages
saying that “Cool dude plays 7-2 and he thinks that he has
excellent cards”. The players who play Hammer will know that
they are not good cards. You will not see any bloggers playing
7-2 to show them tough in a ring game when there is no chance to
win. But if you have clear strategy and right circumstance you
can play any hand at poker and win the game.
Playing Hammer, Arlo or Presto is fun in
poker. Because you know that you have a hand that is not logical
and you will play it more skillful than in any other stronger
hands. We never know if there is any reason for this madness.
on 01/07/2010
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