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Craps - Basics of the Game

 Can you consciously play a night of craps without being called a crab? Why would anyone call you that anyway? Maybe because craps was once formerly known as crabs, but although it has no real formal relation it has been on a roll and become a part of casino culture.

For anyone familiar with the ancient Old English game of Hazard would know that Craps is its modern and simplified version of this game.

All a casino crazed craps player needs to know how to do is strategically roll two dice, which comes by pure luck and wager with it and go for that great win. And aside from wagering away for the win, the craps contender will want to also attempt to draw in the craps crowd.

The basics of the game are by far very basic. What happens is that there is the player who actually rolls the dice this player is called the shooter. Another craps term worth your knowledge is the first roll of a new round called a “come-out roll.” All craps bets are based upon the total sum of each roll and how far you will take the game – if you will play the night away.

Craps betting cannot be bargained for and its own wagering world has combinations that will lead to the pots of gold making you a famous, popular and beloved craps casino favorite.

It’s important to know what craps come-out rolls are, such as pass the line betting. This is when the shooter rolls as seven or an eleven. A “craps” happens when an Ace, two, three or twelve is rolled making the competitor a loser. Points can be scored if the player happens to roll a four, five, six, eight, nine or ten. When craps points are scored then the pass-line better win if rolled two times in a row, yet will lose if the player immediately after a point rolls a seven that’s why it is called a “seven-out.”

While the greatest experience one can find is vying away at the casino craps table with thousands of spectators, it is important to know the four key employees. The first is the box man who guards the pile chips for possible cheating thieves. This character also supervises the dealers and handles coloring out players. The second characters in the game are two base dealers who stand on two sides of the box man. They collect and pay bets. There is also the stickman who stands opposite the box man from the table and announces the results with a long wooden stick and manages the gambling wages.

There are various forms and stages of the game, which are not difficult, but merely you as the player must go out there with composure and confidence. You have the chance to strut down the red carpet to success down to the creative craps table, take the two dice and roll to great winnings. Draw in that crowd and roll everyone away.

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